Great graduation day for ICAS Lab, May 2022.Three PhDs are at lunch, May 2022.ICAS Lab and Vernam Lab climbed to Mt. Monadnock, 3166 ft heigght, May 2022.ICAS Lab at CICC 2022, in Newport Beach, April 2022.Tuna presented his work at Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) Day as one of the finalists at WPI, April 2022.Vladimir presented his work on the security of miniaturized wireless biomedical devices at New England Security Day Workshop, April 2022.Breakfast before the winter break at Bean Counter, December 2021Devdip’s visit after graduation, September 2021Lab picnic at Hopkinton State Park, June 2021Graduation 2021Team 9 won the outstanding presentation award, February 2020 @ Photo courtesy of the New York Academy of ScienceWPI team and alumni at Mariott Marquis, SF, February 2020Winning the 3rd Place Best Paper Award @ MIT UTRC, October 2019Interstellar Initiative Workshop with members of Team #9 Photo Courtesy @New York Academy of Science, September 2019
Celebrating the very first tape out with lab members, 2019Women in Circuits (WiC) Boston Networking Luncheon @MIT, August 2019 ISCAS 2019 and Tokyo VisitClass of Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits ECE 524 Spring 2019.End of Semester Lunch with lab members, Spring 2019.Custom Integrated Circuit Conference, CICC 2019, Austin.Women in Circuits Committee, ISSCC 2019, San Francisco.Devdip Sen presented the PUPD work in GRIE’19.Ian Costanzo presented the NICU patch work in GRIE’19.Early Christmas Lunch with ICAS Lab Members 2018BIOCAS & NEUROCAS 2018