• Integrated Circuits for Health Parameters' Monitoring

  • Developing Projects, Photo Credit @ New York Academy of Sciences

  • ICAS Lab 2020

  • Wireless Miniaturized Wearable Health Sensors

  • Integrated Circuits for Health Parameters' Monitoring

  • Developing Projects, Photo Credit @ New York Academy of Sciences

Prof Guler secured a ~$1.1M funding from NIH/NHLBI for four years to study multimodal oxygen measurement prototype and skin color bias mitigation algorithms with collaborators from Michigan State University, Prof. Unluturk, and University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMASS Chan Medical School), Dr. Lawrence Rhein. Here is the NIH reporter link.Read More →

I wanted to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the acceptance of Tuna’s journal paper by IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. This is a remarkable achievement and a testament to Tuna’s hard work, dedication, and expertise. The paper entitled “A Transcutaneous Carbon Dioxide Monitor Based on Time-Domain Dual Lifetime Referencing” is accessible from the link.Read More →

Congratulations to Ian and Dev on their recent paper that has been accepted by IEEE European Solid State Circuits Conference! This work is done in collaboration with Prof. John McNeill and it offers a new solution to estimate the lifetime of the luminescence oxygen measurements with a nonuniform sampling algorithm. The conference will be held in Milan, Italy in September.Read More →

Ian, Devdip, and Ravi walked on the podium. If we include Aatreya, who graduated in December, in 2021-2022 academic year, we had four graduate student graduations. Here are some nice moments from commencement day. Thanks to Vladimir for his professional shoots.Read More →

Congratulations to Aatreya Chakravarti and Amin Hazrati Marangalou on their recent publication entitled “Wireless Photometry Prototype for Tri-Color Excitation and Multi-Region Recording“. We appreciate our collaborators Yusuke Tsuno from Kanazawa University, Japan, and Luisa Lopes from Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Portugal for their insightful discussions. Check out our paper!Read More →